Friday, January 1, 2010

It's a Brand New Year!

2010 has dawned bright and chilly here in North Carolina. The sun is out, the sky is blue, and temps are hovering in the low 30s.... a balanced blend, in my book, of the way life operates.

I spent the last week of 2009 without a computer. It crashed on Monday evening and wasn't back from the computer whiz until late yesterday afternoon. All things seem to be running smoothly now... just in time for me to wish my friends and followers a wonderful New Year filled with love, life, hope, health, and contentment in all things. Here's to a renewed goal of working towards peace, justice, and mercy in our personal lives, families, and communities as well as across the globe. And to all those who create in some form or fashion, here's to renewed creative juices flowing!

During the days I was without my computer, I created some new products which I will be listing in my Etsy shop today and tomorrow. I'd been thinking about making these medicine bags for quite some time, and as blessings are often mixed in with sorrows and frustrations, I found the time to sit down and get to work on them when I couldn't sit in front of the computer screen!

From Native American culture, medicine bags hold sacred items important for life's journey. These bags are made from leather... remnants leftover from the sheaths my husband makes for the custom knives he makes and sells. They are all handstitched and handbeaded. Each bag will come with a few items to get the owner started on collecting special items with a significant meaning.

What do you think?


  1. Completely cool, gorgeous & awesome. They're a good size too. I have a medicine bag that's quite a bit smaller so it's more decorative than functional. The sizes of these are perfect.

    Happy New Year Rebecca & blessings to you & yours in 2010!


  2. I think they are astonishing and beautiful--just down my alley! Gorgeous, fun, I can't stop thinking of adjectives :-D
